Just another Network site Mon, 24 Mar 2025 13:25:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 If I Could Change the World: Essay Outline & Guideline Fri, 02 Jul 2021 09:08:23 +0000 There are a few crucial elements involved in this essay writing. The How? What? When? Whom? and Where? These are the questions that define this essay. The structure of the paper determines the perfect place for the answers to each of the above.

Argumentative essay outline: important questions

What are your thoughts on the world we live in? Many people cherish their lives, earthly living things, and being human. A good number of the world population may lack time to think and focus on the world surrounding them. They may not notice that the world needs changes.

Does time allow you to realize this? Do you have a feeling or a belief that the world around you aren’t safe as before? When you have a couple of suggestions on how to change the earth, then you can write the essay “If I could change the world.”

If I Could Change the World: essay ideas

Begin writing your essay by addressing specific things that you believe require changes. You won’t encounter problems on these points since they are the problems that we face every day.

These problems have been here with us for a long until some people assume they can’t change anymore. What if all the people in the world gained consciousness and agreed to address one problem? In such a case, the world will be an excellent place to live.

An excellent of a problem to address is air pollution or global warming. Many issues exist that affect humanity and need your intervention. Writing an essay on change the world is an excellent chance to narrow down your essay topic. Imagine and describe the significant points in the paper on making the world a better place. You will build a perfect essay on change the world.

What will you do to change the world?

What is the most appropriate way to bring the changes? Whom will you seek for help? In this section, imagination is vital. Go deep into your topic and list the methods, ways, and strategies you will use to assist the world. To change the world, you need good resources. Think of the perfect person that will be of importance. Have a list of organizations and people and explain how they will boost your goal. You can involve some global celebrities and charities that will offer support.

Who will feel the impact of the changes?

Will your changes influence the whole society? Will some people need the changes more than others? It’s a good idea to include in your essay. Give clear indications of who will enjoy your actions. You can think of improving the lives of hungry African children. You can aim at helping animals facing global warming or improving the conditions of the poor.

When will you bring the changes?

Do your problems need immediate action? Discuss the worldwide issues that need urgent changes and can’t wait any longer. You can build a topic that relates to pressing global health problems. Then focus on incurable diseases.

Where will you make the changes?

Which area of the world will you change anything? It’s essential to have a specific location for global change. Will you target the whole world? Or will you begin from a particular area and expand later? When considering these ideas, don’t fail to mention your location in the paper.

Things to remember in your essay writing

  • Think outside the box

Representing original content doesn’t mean inventing or discovering something new. Instead, you can use other students’ essays to get points to develop your hypothesis.

  • Deep understanding

Have an in-depth understanding of the world’s problems. Prove your ability in concepts, issues, and facts you are addressing. Understand why they matter to you and the reader.

  • Develop an intelligible structure

Your essay should address issues like What? How? And Why? Also, have an introduction, main body, and a conclusion in your work. Finally, your summary should have a balanced argument.

  • Excellent language

Develop an effortless and smooth discussion for your readers to feel safe in your hands. Use natural flowing sentences, and the reader should grasp everything discussed. Check grammar, punctuation, typos, and spelling.


These are the significant facts to consider when writing how can I change the world essay. Derive the world problems and use this guideline to develop a perfect paper.

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Globalization in The Modern World: Essay Sample Fri, 02 Jul 2021 08:51:20 +0000 After world war II, a significant percentage of Europe was in disintegration. People died in millions due to starvation and war. The European economies declined. The USA decided to rebuild Europe by offering financial support to European countries. In a few years, America abandoned the isolation foreign policy it had adopted. It swarmed into foreign affairs. Many European nation’s economies recovered through this economic support. In the subsequent years, the economy of the European countries flourished. The USA’s support in rebuilding Europe is a significant milestone in American history.

The world globalization essay overview

The construction of Europe led to the broad spread of globalization. The world economies got connected at a high level. The international trade rose at a rocket speed. Technological advancements also surfaced as a result of globalization. It was easy for western cultures to spread all over the world as a result of the close ties. The ties resulted from globalization. America rose to become a vital trading partner worldwide. The globalization process in the 20th century made people to foresee the future. The global economy drove on fierce competition and innovation.

Many of the current countries compete to dominate and rise to be world superpowers. Regulations are no longer necessary. Many countries don’t see the need to isolate themselves from the world. They have to open up to compete internationally. Many nations worldwide are reviewing trade restrictions. They want to make them more conducive to allow overseas trade for products and services. All companies are ignoring domestic dominance and focusing on global power. Iconic cooperation like amazon and apple are spreading their authority. They are building their offices worldwide. They intend to tap into every sector of the world economy. Their purpose for this step is to sell their products worldwide. They also aim at extracting vital resources from those countries. The resources include the workforce ad new technology.

Many American companies also draw their talent and workforce outside America. They have the best-skilled force that is enough for their industries. It’s an excellent step to make workers compete and struggle to have a chance in trade. There is high competition on the micro and macro levels in the modern economy.

Many countries are spending millions on subsidies and education. They aim to get high technological innovation and skilled workers. As a result, young adults have no choice but to evolve and adapt to the constantly changing world economy.

Globalization in the world essay in education

The current world we live in is global. Cooperation and countries get a definition from their power to control the market. In this present world, graduating with any international studies degree is very vital. The degree is regardless of what career path one needs to pursue. To get prepared to have a chance to compete in this global market, understand why many decisions erupt at a worldwide level. Any international studies degree prepares one for global competition. It’s an opportunity that awaits you at the job market.

The degree provides a more profound knowledge of foreign cultures. It’s necessary to learn about and understand other cultures in the world. These steps are essential to break down the problems that cut the world into fractions. The breakdown is a result of cultural ties. In the current world, transparency between countries is vital. It makes one understand things that separate and unite the world.


The globalization essay explains the history since ancient times. First, the world wars dismantled stable economies. Thanks to America that offered financial support to European countries. It enabled them to regain back to their initial stable states. It took a few years to recover, but the growth is gradual to higher and complex forms.

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World Hunger & Poverty Sample Essay Outline Thu, 01 Jul 2021 10:41:43 +0000 Peter Singer defines absolute poverty using the world banks criteria. World bank fronted the criteria via its president Robert McNamara. Robert outlines for world poverty and hunger essay has the following situations:

  • Diseases
  • Malnutrition
  • Squalid surroundings
  • Low life expectancy
  • High infant mortality rates

An outline for world poverty and hunger essay

Relative poverty is a type of poverty that affects the lives of people at all levels. For example, relative poverty in a nation means some citizens are poor while their neighbors are rich.

In absolute poverty, it means the entire nation is poor. Absolute poverty transcends all the boundaries. Everything is poor, starting from education, food resources, housing, among others. Singer suggests that the world can overcome absolute poverty.

The achievement is through redistributing resources and processed food worldwide in equal measures.

A focus on how to end world hunger essay

He suggests industrialized nations like the USA have more food for their people. They give excess food to animals than people in need. He feels that the extra food given to animals is a waste that could aid other needy people worldwide.

If such food gets redistributed to other areas, then absolute poverty will reduce. Singer claims that rich countries are not distributing excess food. They thus promote absolute poverty in underdeveloped countries. He states that every person living has a role to play.

Singer points out that allowing an individual to die is not different from killing. It means those who have the capacity but don’t bother to help end suffering and loss of life are murderous.

A contradicting statement says killing a person and spending on luxuries are different. In killing a person, you must have the motive and the need to see that person dead.

No similar comparable characteristic exists in these two people. Their actions aren’t the same. Singer still urges that this case is a commonsensical belief. He gives evidence of speeding motorists. They usually have no intentions of killing but to enjoy high-speed drives. They don’t care about the repercussions and results of their actions.

Singer insists that those who kill via cars need no blames but severe punishments. Though they don’t have intentions to kill, they drive at high speeds, which causes accidents. Their actions lead to death, and so they need to be responsible for it. In the same scenario, people spend on lavish things than saving lives. If death occurs, they should be accountable for it.

Singer urges his points using the comparative moral significance. He says if a person can’t stop a fatal thing from happening and he can, then he has done it. He says if you watch a child drown in a pond and do nothing, then you have murdered.

How to solve word hunger essay solutions

According to world hunger problems and solutions essay, property rights by Nozick Robert are opposing arguments on Singer’s statement. According to the view, one has a right to massive property ownership. The ownership is at the expense of the starving individuals. The provision is that the person didn’t use unfair means in acquiring the wealth. Nozick is against the belief that the rich must give a helping hand to the poor. He says it’s voluntary and not a must to help. The poor don’t have the right to get help from the rich.

According to Singer, the theory is invalid. He says that when it turns to involuntary helping the poor, the rich will not offer help. Their lives are perfect. They won’t see the need to provide a helping hand. The lifeboat analogy by Hardin says rich countries are like travelers in a crowded boat. The boat in the sea is full of people who are drowning.

If you attempt to save the drowning people by returning them in a boat, they may get overwhelmed by weight. They will all die. It, thus, becomes essential to learn to survive as a lone ranger.


Fighting poverty in the world is a collective responsibility. Play your part using the above how to end world hunger essay outline to make a perfect paper.

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Brave New World: A+ Sample Critical Essay Outlines Thu, 01 Jul 2021 10:41:26 +0000 The following essay topics are relating to an entire book. Each of these topics is a brave new world essay sample and thesis outline. You can use them as pickup points for your essay paper. 

Essay Outline #1

Thesis statement: The individuals who govern this Brave New World might not be normal, but they aren’t abnormal. Their main aim is social stability and not anarchy. From the novel, social stability is set to be very vital. Here is why:

  1. The stable societies don’t see the need for an international war or a civil conflict. 
  2. A stable society cannot cause the need or want of any war, including a civil one. In (I), everyone sees the need or want, but in (II), neither the need nor want exists. 
  3. Any stable society shouldn’t take from other communities. If they get everything provided, then there is no need for any war. Greed and envy aren’t necessary. 
  4. For a society to be stable, a few firm and constant people have to control it. People have to think they own everything they need, whether they have it or not. They should see control as generous. 

Essay Outline #2

Thesis statement: Two societies exist in John, the Savage. John is a stranger in both two cultures. How does it build him to be perfect for changing flaws in the new world?

  1. John, as a stranger, notices paradoxes existing in this new world. 
  2. He sees the religious influence around things. Mustapha Mond holds that religion is unnecessary. 
    The T sign made resembles the cross sign. 
    The solidarity group looks like the rites of Christian communion. 
  3. Linda informs John that this other place is a perfect civilization. 
    John becomes a savage after losing his identity. 
    John can’t continue to see the same faces of the poor Bokanovsky Group Castes. 
    Savage John recognizes why Shakespeare’s plays and other books are unavailable for everyone. Even these higher castes don’t have them. 
    He sees no meaning in words like freedom for the castes. 
  4. The salvage.
    Because of social stability, people lose their spirits. 
    The new world doesn’t acknowledge heroes and martyrs and heroes. 

Essay Outline #3

Thesis statement: John uses Shakespeare’s plays, Romeo and Juliet, the Tempest, and Othello. They aid him in expressing his feelings in the novel. 

  1. John’s work is from Shakespeare’s plays. The plays influence the views of his two worlds. 
  2. He remembers the words of Othello after seeing Lenina or Linda in a bad state.
    Othello makes the use of baset words to explain Desdemona and the imagined lover. 
    John perceives the mother as the downfall of women after her mother’s open and free sex with the pope. 
    Lenina sexually relates with John. John uses words that describe women as whores erupt in his mind. 
  3. Bernard offers to bring John to London. John decides to use Miranda’s words from The Tempest. 
    He describes his thoughts about the new world. 
    The moment he gets to the Electrical Equipment Corporation, John vomits. “The brave new world” words make him vomit after sticking in his throat. 
    Up to the end of this novel, John doesn’t see the need to think about Miranda’s words. He can’t use them to substantiate what is before his eyes. 
  4. John thinks of how Lenina is romantic. His mind swarms into Romeo’s words that center on Juliet. 
    The first time his eyes see Lenina at a reservation, John remembers Juliet. 
    While in London, Lenina goes round in John’s mind as he wishes her to be. He uses words that describe Juliet. 

What is hypnopedia teaching in the Brave New World?

Sleep teaching or hypnopedia means governing bodies teach children class distinctions and morality. To impart the knowledge to a child, the tutor repeats messages and slogans while the child sleeps. The tutor has to be near the child. Doing this aims at instilling the slogans and messages in a child’s memory. The data and slogans boost societal ideals about proper behavior. It also promotes class roles about conformity and sex. 

In the second chapter, the director expounds on the sleep teaching principle. The director holds on to the fact that one can’t teach science using hypnopedia. It’s because one has to know what science is all about. Children can only learn moral education using this hypnopedia teaching. 


The above outline is a perfect example of a good essay. It has a summary of the best points from the brave new world novel. 

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