There are a few crucial elements involved in this essay writing. The How? What? When? Whom? and Where? These are the questions that define this essay. The structure of the paper determines the perfect place for the answers to each of the above.

Argumentative essay outline: important questions

What are your thoughts on the world we live in? Many people cherish their lives, earthly living things, and being human. A good number of the world population may lack time to think and focus on the world surrounding them. They may not notice that the world needs changes.

Does time allow you to realize this? Do you have a feeling or a belief that the world around you aren’t safe as before? When you have a couple of suggestions on how to change the earth, then you can write the essay “If I could change the world.”

If I Could Change the World: essay ideas

Begin writing your essay by addressing specific things that you believe require changes. You won’t encounter problems on these points since they are the problems that we face every day.

These problems have been here with us for a long until some people assume they can’t change anymore. What if all the people in the world gained consciousness and agreed to address one problem? In such a case, the world will be an excellent place to live.

An excellent of a problem to address is air pollution or global warming. Many issues exist that affect humanity and need your intervention. Writing an essay on change the world is an excellent chance to narrow down your essay topic. Imagine and describe the significant points in the paper on making the world a better place. You will build a perfect essay on change the world.

What will you do to change the world?

What is the most appropriate way to bring the changes? Whom will you seek for help? In this section, imagination is vital. Go deep into your topic and list the methods, ways, and strategies you will use to assist the world. To change the world, you need good resources. Think of the perfect person that will be of importance. Have a list of organizations and people and explain how they will boost your goal. You can involve some global celebrities and charities that will offer support.

Who will feel the impact of the changes?

Will your changes influence the whole society? Will some people need the changes more than others? It’s a good idea to include in your essay. Give clear indications of who will enjoy your actions. You can think of improving the lives of hungry African children. You can aim at helping animals facing global warming or improving the conditions of the poor.

When will you bring the changes?

Do your problems need immediate action? Discuss the worldwide issues that need urgent changes and can’t wait any longer. You can build a topic that relates to pressing global health problems. Then focus on incurable diseases.

Where will you make the changes?

Which area of the world will you change anything? It’s essential to have a specific location for global change. Will you target the whole world? Or will you begin from a particular area and expand later? When considering these ideas, don’t fail to mention your location in the paper.

Things to remember in your essay writing

  • Think outside the box

Representing original content doesn’t mean inventing or discovering something new. Instead, you can use other students’ essays to get points to develop your hypothesis.

  • Deep understanding

Have an in-depth understanding of the world’s problems. Prove your ability in concepts, issues, and facts you are addressing. Understand why they matter to you and the reader.

  • Develop an intelligible structure

Your essay should address issues like What? How? And Why? Also, have an introduction, main body, and a conclusion in your work. Finally, your summary should have a balanced argument.

  • Excellent language

Develop an effortless and smooth discussion for your readers to feel safe in your hands. Use natural flowing sentences, and the reader should grasp everything discussed. Check grammar, punctuation, typos, and spelling.


These are the significant facts to consider when writing how can I change the world essay. Derive the world problems and use this guideline to develop a perfect paper.

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